What is J64?

J64 (J64/WWW) is a small-sized computer system which can also be used as multi-user computer systems.
By this, we mean that a single computer can interact with more than one user at a time.
The ‘J’ stands for “JavaScript”. WWW stands for World-Wide-Web, so J64 is a modern Server System, made for
Computing in the 21st Century.

Use of J64

J64 can be utilized for different web facets. Some models are designed as systems that
provide resources to other computers, also known as a “server” in a network of computers,
while others are set up for use with terminals or “display stations”.

Operating System

J64/OS is the operating system for the J64. It is a Layered Architecture mainly used for
Web Applications. J64/OS is a COMMAND based, Internet-centric Environment for your Web Applications.
J64/OS is more than an Operating System, with it's built in File System and Database Environment
running on modern architecture.

Why J64?

Innovation comes in many forms, and one of our goals was to do more with less. We had to be creative and
open minded. J64/WWW is a Scalable, Modern and Cost-effective Application System for the Web.

J64/www is Secure, Reliable and Flexible.


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